Sunday, May 1, 2011

Job #1 is set!

On May 17th, I'll be starting my first job of the summer.

I've been playing the violin since I was 5 years old, and although I've often thought it wasn't going to pay off, it has this year! Earlier this spring, I was able to play my violin at a vow-renewal ceremony, which was my first gig. It was pretty special, since it was the first time I was paid for playing my violin.

Violin is paying off over the summer because now I have my first violin student!!! I will be teaching her beginning violin over the summer, and I'm so excited. I'll be teaching her once a week, and I'll let you know how it goes.

Also, might have a gig lined up for playing at a graduation on May 27th. This is still up in the air, but I hope it works out!

I'm so glad all those hours of practice are finally paying off. God is so good!!!

Please keep following my blog :D Summer hasn't even started yet, and I know when it does, it's going to be quite a fun ride for me! Keep up with all my various jobs, and please feel free to give me advice along the way. Make sure you log-in and follow my blog ---->

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Thanks for following my adventure!
