Friday, September 13, 2013

"Save a Life" Saturday Challenge!

Good morning and happy Saturday! A lot of this blog is just me talking about things that I'm doing and sharing experiences, which is all great, but today I want to do more. I want us as a group of readers, parents, students, and friends to make a difference on this Saturday. You know I'm a pretty extravagant person with high expectations, goals, and aspirations, so I want to end out this amazing week right. You with me?! 

Today, I have a challenge for you and I. A challenge to change the world. A challenge to save someone's life. 

If you were walking along in your best tuxedo or dress, and someone fell into a deep pool and was drowning, would you jump in and save them? Even if it meant ruining your clothes and tossing lots of money down the drain? I have thought about this question many times, and I sincerely hope that I would react out of compassion and selflessness in a situation such as this. Well, today, I am challenging myself and you to do just that. I'm dubbing today "Save a Life" Saturday. If you've read this far, then you're in. You really do want to make a difference. So keep reading. Here's how it works:

1) Go to Take a few minutes to read "Our Work" and some rescue updates to find out more about the North Korean crisis. Right now, as we sit at our computers in comfort, there are people half-way around the world living in slavery, starving and watching their families die of starvation or torture. Learn more about it. You need to know. 

2) It takes $2500 to fund a rescue mission for one person. What if this person was your sister, brother, child?? Just thinking about this gives me chills, because I am desperate for all of these people to be rescued so that they can experience freedom and liberty just like I have had for all of my life. $2500 is just 100 people giving $25. Such an easy gift can make such an amazing impact on a person's life. Join me in giving and we will make a difference together! In order for us to see how we are doing in reaching our goal, I have set up a fundraising page, so click here to go to it. I have no incentives for raising money through this page; it is just an easy way for us to keep track of our goal. I have faith that we can do it if we work together.

3) Most of these blog posts are read by almost 100 people, but make sure we reach our goal by sharing this message so that more people can get involved on this mission.

The goal is to fund 1 person's rescue by midnight Eastern time on Saturday, September 14th. We can do it! 

Please comment below as well with your thoughts on the North Korean crisis as you learn more about it through Liberty in North Korea and other sources. This is a crisis that has been in the dark for far too long. As I was reading The Hunger Games this past year, the crisis in North Korea kept coming to my mind. Living in Panem in the books by Suzanne Collins is portrayed as being very similar to North Korea, and yet people read it and think that some place like that doesn't exist in the real world. Does anyone else see the similarities that I see? After I had made this realization, I came across this article. I'm not the only one who thinks this, it seems...

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