Thursday, May 9, 2013

My life isn't a fairy tale...It's an adventure story!

I had a plan. A 1-year plan, to be exact. I had an alumni tell me this past year that it was important to have a 5-year plan, but I decided that a 5-year plan would be disobeying God and HIS call for me to follow HIM wherever HE sent me. So I decided that 1 year would be just right. Boy, was I wrong.

My 1-year plan included going to summer school (I already had my apartment in Atlanta through the end of the summer), going to Istanbul in the fall, and coming back to graduate in Spring 2014. With about 1 month left of the spring semester, I was just about to sign up for my classes for the summer when I received an email. It changed everything. "We were wondering if you are still interested in a summer Washington DC...would like to schedule a phone interview..." I literally sat at my laptop and said "No!" to the screen. This was not my plan! I knew as soon as I saw that email that God had decided to change it up. HE was calling me to go. I had sort-of applied for some internships over the Christmas break, but I hadn't even finished the applications and sending in my materials because I had decided that an internship would mess up my plan. I needed to go to summer school in order to graduate in the spring. Well, I'm evidently really bad at sabotaging God's plans, because even though I didn't finish the applications, they received my resume. And, they wanted a phone interview. I sent off a hurried "What do I do?" email to my academic advisor, and he told me I should go for it. "These things may come up once, maybe twice, in a lifetime, Kaelin," he told me. So I set an appointment for the interview.

The weekend before the interview, I went on a retreat with Chi Alpha at GT. During the many quiet times that we had that weekend, God just kept showing me that HE was calling me to go. For some reason, I was needed in DC. He showed me this amazing story in 1 Kings 19 about when Elijah called Elisha to follow him as God's prophet. Elisha didn't complain. He didn't straggle along after Elijah. He simply got rid of his earthly possessions and followed. God showed me that I needed to do this. I needed to strip myself of what I held as important to my plan, and simply follow HIS plan. 

I had my interview on a Monday, and I found out that Friday that I had been the second-pick for the position. But, in my heart, I knew I was going to DC. Somehow, I was going. So I waited. A few days later, I got an email asking for a phone interview with a different supervisor in the same office for a different internship. My first contact had sent my resume to everyone else in the office. The first thing I was asked on this second phone interview was "Where are you going to stay while you are in DC?". I knew that God was working. The second position fit my qualifications better than the first, and I got the position. I literally jumped up and down in H&M when I got the news (my friend can attest to this). 

God wasn't done. There have been several other things that HE has done to perfectly orchestrate this transition for me as I go to DC for 10 weeks. I'll continue to brag on HIM and HIS glorious plan over the coming weeks. "Follow" my blog if you want to keep up with me over the summer and fall. Can't wait to continue to share what HE is doing with my life!

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