Thursday, May 9, 2013

I'm officially flying to DC on...

Saturday, May 18th! This girl is heading out at first flight in 4 years and my first ever flight by myself. Prayers, as always, are appreciated.

Ok, while I'm at it, want to hear how I sublet my apartment in 3 days?! Another God thing, that's for sure. When I found out that I would be moving to DC for the summer, I was really depressed because I LOVE my roommates. I prayed for good roommates, and God gave me great ones. I couldn't imagine life without them, and here I was having to plan to move out in a matter of days. I asked around with some friends, and couldn't find someone who could take my apartment for the whole 3 months left of my lease. So, I posted on Craigslist. Man, Craigslist is the best! I was getting responses back left and right, but none of them were just right. I wanted to give my roommates someone nice, not just some stranger off the street. So, I prayed. I knew that if God had this whole plan for me to move to DC, HE would have taken care of the entire plan. Within 48 hours, I had heard from a girl coming to ATL for an internship, and we spoke on the phone and I knew it was God's answer. It all worked out within the next few days, and I was moved out of my apartment 4 days later. Another bonus from God: I was supposed to have a final exam the morning that I was moving out, but I exempted it by 0.2 points! This gave me a full day to pack up. Crazy, huh? HE really does take care of all the details.

As my friend, April, likes to say: God is a God of strategy. I'm sure glad of it.


  1. It's May 19th and you're in DC now. Keep all of us posted, Kaelin!

  2. I'm a NO-MAD but a little sad. From a baby, to a toddler, to a teenager and now to a responsible adult in soshort a time.We love you and your family soooo much. We are excited reading your posts andlook forward to them. BooPapa & BooMama


Thanks for following my adventure!
