Monday, June 13, 2011

Rates for Babysitting

I was flipping through the May issue of Parents magazine today and found a small article about babysitting rates. It listed a website that lets you calculate how much to pay your babysitter (or better yet, for the babysitter to calculate how much to charge per hour). It takes into consideration your location, the babysitter's age range, how many years of experience the babysitter has, and how many children the household has. Rates are actually a little higher than I thought! This is a great resource to use to make sure you are charging enough. Click here to see how much you should charge! When I calculated how much I should get per hour for 1 child, it is $10.75! Now, I don't charge that much, but at least it makes me feel good because I'm worth that much per hour :)

Please comment, follow, or add your reaction at the bottom of this post :) Profile of Job #5 to come very soon!


  1. Haha, I got the same thing! I don't think I could ever actually get paid that much though, you know? If I get $8 an hour I'm happy. Haha. I actually usually make more taking care of people's pets than their kids. Seems kind of backwards, doesn't it?

  2. Yeah, if someone asks, I charge $7/hour for babysitting, but most people tip, so it's actually a bit higher.

  3. I like free babysitters, like the ones I raised myself! They come with great references.


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