Friday, December 16, 2016

"Those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world usually do." - Steve Jobs

Not that I'm advocating that Steve Jobs is a role model or anything. But I sure do agree with this statement. A lot of times, we forget that our daily choices do matter. Either to one person, to many, or to the whole world.

I know that during this holiday season, you have been bombarded with organizations wanting you to make year-end donations. People who want you to take part in this "season of giving."

But it's not a season. A lot of us are in the situation where we have all that we need, all the time. And it reminds me how the Christians of the early church shared with each other, making sure that no one was in want.

Blessings are given to us so that we can share them.

As you watch the news and see the disasters happening around the world, there are groups of people who have decided that they do want to change the world. And, we can join them. Crazy, huh?

Here are a few. They are great. They are changing the world. And they want us to join them. I'm in, are you?

Refuge Coffee in Clarkston, GA -> Welcoming a diverse community and employing refugees with training and a living wage.

Liberty in North Korea -> Rescuing those who have escaped over the North Korean border and re-settling them into lives of freedom.

*Update on January 4th, 2017 - Liberty in North Korea reached their year-end goal of $100,000 and received a matching gift! That is 66 more refugee rescues funded! Thanks for your continued support and please continue to give in 2017 to help give more people freedom.

As Our Own -> Giving a family to young girls at risk in India.

Even a small donation means that you are choosing to make an impact. We can do it.

Let's be crazy enough to think that we can change the world. And we will. 

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