Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Getting ready to head back to college?

Here are my Top 5 tips for college students to have the best school year yet, save some $ along the way, and make a ton of life-long friends:

#1 - Get your list of school books from the college bookstore, along with their ISBNs, and then order them as used books from Amazon or Half.com. Click the banner below to get free shipping!

Better yet, at the end of the semester, sell your books right back to other students at your college bookstore during Buy-Back, or on Amazon or Half.com. You'll end up having paid close to nothing for your books. Way to go!

#2 - Look up the events happening around campus during the first week back. You'll probably be able to score free food every day of the week, plus meet really cool people who are involved on campus and get involved yourself! My first week on campus at GA Tech, I wrote on my calendar all of the free events I could find. My favorite from that week: I got a free BBQ dinner at BCM one night and made new friends on campus.

*How do I do this? Look up the events calendar on your school's homepage, keep an eye out for flyers and signs, and ask the kids in your classes if they are involved in campus organizations. Make sure to hit up the campus gym as well and see if they have events planned.

#3 - Sit at the front of the class. No, really, I mean it. It may seem so much easier to just slide in at the back, but I had the best experiences when I sat front and center. Your teachers get to know you and you definitely will pay more attention in class because they will notice the second you doze off. Plus, those teachers who now know your name and that you pay attention in class? They make great job references :)

#4 - Get involved in stuff outside of your major.

Quick sidebar: I read an article today about how many STEM (Science, technology, engineering math) majors don't actually end up in STEM careers. Is this a bad thing, like, did they waste all that education? No way! I firmly believe that you should get educated in STEM fields for the pure enjoyment of learning more about the world around you. Who cares what you end up doing? But, getting back on focus..

When you get involved in clubs, organizations, ministries, and activities that are totally un-related to your major, you give yourself a chance to broaden your interests and get specialty experience in other areas. Say that you are a chemistry student who loves going to the gym and training for races? Maybe down the road, you'll end up being able to interview for a company that makes products for runners, and you'll have that special interest that gives you an edge to get the position. You get my drift? Stuff like working at a restaurant, volunteering at the local school, becoming a regular at Zumba, and learning to play an instrument can all help you in whatever your future career ends up being (and it makes your life so much more fun along the way). 

#5 - Do a study abroad or an exchange program. Your time in another country will broaden your perspective on the world, life, relationships, and your future. Don't worry that it will set you back in your plan to graduate; there are so many programs that you will definitely be able to find one that allows you to take the classes you would normally be taking at your home institution for that semester. Money holding you back? Make sure to check with your International Education office to see what scholarships are available. At Georgia Tech when I did my exchange program, they had so few students apply for the study abroad scholarships the first time round, that they opened up the applications again after the deadline. I was blessed to unexpectedly get a scholarship that more than paid for my plane ticket and many of my expense (thanks GT Class of 1968!). Take the leap - you won't regret it!

After a hard day of work at school, ever want to just sit back and watch your favorite TV show? Get a free 30-day trial of Amazon Prime by clicking below!

Have any other tips for getting the most out of college? Comment below! Make sure to follow Faithful Nomad by email as well :)

1 comment:

Thanks for following my adventure!
