Wednesday, May 2, 2012


From this blog, you can pretty much tell that I believe that getting job experience is a very important part of getting ready to join the professional working world. I also believe that getting a college education is important! As I wrap up this semester, I can’t help but gush about my college: Georgia Gwinnett College. Being at this school has been such a blessing to me; it really is the best! Here are the top 3 reasons that GGC is the best college in the world.

 1) Teacher-student relationships. I know all of my professors personally. They care about us and are involved in our education as well as with the student activities on campus. I feel comfortable dropping by a professor’s office to chat, and I know of tons of students that will ask their previous professors for tutoring help, even if they are not taking a class from them anymore. I’m definitely not just a number at GGC; everyone knows me here!

 2) The new technology on campus. Not only does our campus boast several huge computer labs, we also have great new laboratories with amazing equipment. We even have students from other colleges come take science classes at our school because the labs are so great.

 3) Small campus. Because our campus is very compact and our student body is just above 8,000 (right now, at least), I have tons of friends that I get to see every day. We all cross paths, whether we are liberal arts majors or science majors. Our student center is always buzzing with activities and events, and there are a lot of ways to get involved on campus.

 So, how have these aspects of GGC helped me in my pursuit of my bachelor’s degree? Because of the teacher-student relationships, I have been able to really learn, not just wing classes. My teachers put a lot of time and effort into making sure that we understand the material and concepts. Plus, having good teacher-student relationships has given me the opportunity to do research with professors that understand my goals and can help me work on projects that I am really interested in. The new technology on campus has given me the opportunity to use laboratory instruments that I will probably be using for the rest of my life. Plus, on my small campus, I have been given opportunities to be involved and to get noticed. Recently, my whole analytical chemistry class went on a school-funded trip to an undergraduate research conference. My research partner and I were able to present our research in an oral presentation, and we even won an award for it! If I was on a larger campus with huge classes, I wouldn’t have had this opportunity. So, if you are looking for an amazing campus, look no further. GGC has been the best experience ever for me, and it has really equipped me for my future career. I’m positive it will do the same for you. Go Grizzlies!

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  1. Great job! I totally agree with you on the first reason; I think that's what makes GGC the best school ever!

  2. #1 and #2 are spot on. The social interactions between myself, my teachers, and other students is what has made my time at GGC such a great experience! Hopefully I'll get to use that fancy lab equipment one day too!

  3. #1 and #3 are the reasons that make GGC the best to me! I wish more schools would start adopting policies similar to GGC's.


Thanks for following my adventure!
