"Monday blues."
When did it become normal to expect this day of the week to be dark and crabby and horrid? Why do we feel as though going back to work and school should be the pits?
Let's give "Monday blues" the boot! Mondays can be more.
They can be an exciting start to a fresh week. Whether you are back to your desk, or class, or taking care of your home, this is a day that the LORD has made. Let's be glad in it!
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Love this encouraging verse? Send notecards with this image at this link. |
Need some ideas to push the rain clouds away? I've got a few below. Use hashtag #mondayscanbemore when you do one of these uplifting things, or if you think of something else. Share how your Monday is more with us!
#1 - Try out a new gym class.
I joined a gym near my home recently, because the weather is too cold and rainy to run outside very comfortably. Gym classes are fun because you just show up and follow along! Plus, on a cold winter day, they really get your blood pumping and will make you feel warmer for the rest of your Monday.
#2 - Send a faraway friend a card to say "hi."
Sometimes it is really easy to forget to stay in contact with friends. And, let's be honest, everyone likes snail mail. So, choose today to be intentional. Send a cute card, or write a letter about how much you appreciate their friendship. Let them know how you've been, and show that you wish to stay in-touch. Don't know their address? Facebook, DM, or text them and ask! I do this all the time, no one ever thinks it's weird, they are just excited at the prospect of a handwritten note showing up in their mailbox.
Don't have a faraway friend? Sign up to send a postcard to someone around the world at postcrossing.com. An added benefit is that for each card you send, you will receive one back! Yay for mail!
(Want to get a postcard from me? Check out this post and follow the instructions).
#3 - Check out a new book from your local library.
Sometimes, it can become draining to just watch TV or scroll Instagram before bed. A good book can make your evening more relaxing, while expanding your mind and imagination. Pick up a new book, put it by your bed, and choose to read it a bit each night and finish it by the end of this month. If you aren't sure where to start, ask the first librarian you see. That's what they are there for.
Share your favorite reads with #mondayscanbemore to give us ideas!
My favorites (click images to take a peek on Amazon).
#4 - Take 30 minutes to soak up nature.
Walk outside or to a local park, and sit down with a piece of paper and a pen. Give yourself some minutes in silence. Then, completely fill the paper with observations of the sounds, smells, and feeling of the world around you. Every tiny detail. Use all the descriptive words you can think of to capture the moment. Many times, we forget to actually experience the world around us. Let this Monday be the day you start off the week seeing God's Creation with open eyes.
#5 - Choose a day this week to meet a friend for coffee.
Often, we wait for our friends to keep our relationships afloat. Be the one to be intentional today. Text and schedule a coffee date. Put it on your calendar, and look forward to that quality time together.
Meeting at Starbucks? Check out how to drink vegan there.
#6 - Memorize a verse of encouragement.
This past week I read Psalm 34 with a friend. It is chock-full of verses confirming that GOD is there for us in all our times of need as well as times of plenty. Finding a verse to use as you praise GOD and give HIM glory this week will not only bring you closer to HIM, but will also give you HIS eyes on the situations and challenges you face this week.
Use #mondayscanbemore to encourage your friends and family to turn around the bad rap of Mondays and instead let them be more. Share in the comments below, or on Instagram (@faithful_nomad) what you are choosing today.
"How we spend our days is how we spend our lives."
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