I love getting and sending letters so much. It is just so special to write a letter to somebody on a beautiful card or on cute stationary, and then to receive letters and get to keep them for forever and read them again and again :) I've been sending snail mail since I was a little girl. I would write letters and color pictures for my Aunt Ev, who was in her 90s and lived in Florida. When I went and visited her, she would have my letters all up on her fridge or propped up in her living room...it made me feel like I really was brightening her day when she opened an envelope from me.

My favorite memories of receiving mail are from March of every year. I would always figure that two weeks before my birthday was right about the time that I should start receiving birthday cards. In our house, if your birthday is coming up, you have first rights for checking the mailbox. I would listen so carefully for the *stop, go, stop* sound of the mail truck (actually, I listened for it every day of the year...of course, not on Sundays, silly). Then, I would dash out to the mailbox to see if I'd gotten anything. Those birthday cards rocked! (and if you are taking notes, I still really love getting birthday cards, so send me one come March!). Even though my birthday and Christmas were the most ripe times for getting good mail, I always enjoyed getting notes from people throughout the year. There is just something so happy and cheerful about getting a note from someone saying that they are thinking of you. It really does make any day a little brighter.
My friend, Megan, shared this Buzzfeed on Facebook today, and I thought it was really cute (I'm not a Harry Potter fan, but everything else was pretty right on) -
I like sending mail so much that once-upon-a-time I made a ton of really amazing envelopes (for brightening up plain stationary...or the cards that I always can't find an envelope for) out of magazine and catalog pages.
All you have to do is take a normal envelope of the size you want, carefully unfold it, trace it onto the back of a magazine page, cut out the envelope from the magazine page, and carefully glue it together as a new envelope. Much better than just throwing away those already-read but beautifully illustrated magazines, right? |
I also love how they mention sealing with wax on the Buzzfeed I linked to above. One of my great friends, Paula, gave me wax and a wax seal for my last birthday, and I have enjoyed sealing letters with my special seal ever so much :)
Anyway, my main form of brightening the world right now with snail mail is sending postcards from Turkey! So, if you want to receive a postcard from me (it may take a few months...actually, I might see you before you even get my postcard LOL), then comment below with your address. The comments actually get moderated through me before they get published, so I will write down your address and then not publish the comment... and no worries about the whole world starting to send you mail :)
And, hopefully after reading this post, you will go send some snail mail to someone else. Maybe be creative...send a message in a bottle, a matchbox, or think of something new. Just go brighten someone's day...you won't regret it :)
Comment below if you are sending out some snail mail today!
And, don't forget to follow me on Instagram because I'm always posting some sweet pictures of Istanbul @faithful_nomad and @k_rover_explores_the_world.