Saturday, June 28, 2014

An Afternoon Sketch of {Foxy Loxy}

I'm sitting in a padded, leather armchair at the head of a farm table, mismatched chairs and benches surrounding it. Like a queen with a missing court. The building next door is so close, I could reach out the window and touch it, faded white paint and old panes of glass.

The wall at the top of the stairs is covered in maps and random cut-outs, all pasted over each other like decoupage. I would stand and stare at the wall, trying to find a method to the beautiful madness, but I'm worried that such an action would put a crack in the perfect atmosphere. I shouldn't try to figure out something that so obviously isn't meant to be understood.

I want a wall like this one day.

My in-house iced latte was handed to me in a large, fat, perfectly unblemished jar. I grabbed a straw, but quickly knew that I shouldn't use it. There's just something about cold glass, wet droplets of condensation running onto the dark wooden table.

People sit in the chairs, mostly in pairs, many leaning in companionable silence over a common slice of cake. Two girls sit on low stools under a canopy covered in empty coffee bean sacks. Their table is a weathered, green travel trunk.

Two lovebirds stand on the outdoor porch. The girl has let her hair down, and they gaze at the passing traffic with their arms around each other. Such innocent affection, enjoyed in the best way.

I've only just noticed the rock music. It plays and fills the air space. Anyone would tell you later that the playlist was perfectly chosen, although none of them would be able to tell you what it had been.

That is because the real music comes from the whispered conversations and confidences, not meaningless gossip but real talk of life. Because the atmosphere here calls for depth. Depth of reality, depth of friendship. Depth of life.

I wrote this in one of my notebooks while at Foxy Loxy today. It's one of the only ways I have found to really remember a moment, or a set of moments.

 If you are in Savannah, I greatly encourage you to stop by and enjoy this place. I've spent hours such as this one reading books in this quiet house. Don't forget to wander up the stairs.

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