Tuesday, October 8, 2013

You know you live in Turkey if...

#1 - You hear the Islamic call to prayer 5 times a day.
#2 - You forget that there are lines on the road because nobody actually uses them. 
#3 - All meet & greets include touching cheeks (at least once on each side) with your friends and new acquaintances. And you ALWAYS say goodbye to everyone in the group before leaving. No sneaking out of the party here!
#4 - You have bread and çay with every meal. Yes. E-v-e-r-y meal. 
#5 - You know that real men have tea parties. Well, they wouldn't call them tea parties, but they are. They sit outside of cáfes with çay and a cigarette in hand and talk for long periods of time. Tea parties.
#6 - You don't think twice when you see 20 cats and dogs on your way to school or work. It is a well-known fact that they are legitimate neighbors, deserving of your extra food and loving kindness. 
#7 -  You spend half of your life on some mode of public transportation.
#8 - One of the most important decisions you make is what futbol team you support. Go Fenerbahçe!
#9 - A simit cart is never more than a few steps away. 
#10 - you are a girl and you don't go anywhere without a scarf. I mean, they are the best fashion accessory ever! And they are great for if the weather turns cold all of a sudden :)
#11 - You can't buy granola bars at the grocery store...but there is a whole aisle dedicated just to cookies.
#12 - You eat olives with your breakfast. And tomatoes. And cucumbers.
#13 - You don't normally shop at huge stores or supermarkets. Everything you need can be found at one of the tiny Mom&Pop places on your street. I think this is directly related to the fact that most people don't go driving to run errands, and so there are more options for buying within walking distance of everyone's houses and apartments.
#14 - Coffee = Nescafe or Turkish coffee. Which means that it is either 'fake' (as I like to call the instant stuff), or as thick as coffee mud (but utterly delicious). Unless you go to Starbuck's or Dunkin Donuts, where you will pay much more money for your American-style cup of joe.
#15 - You know that drinking water is not ever free. You pay for each bottle of water you order at a restaurant, and you drink bottled water at home as well. The tap just doesn't make the cut here.
#16 - You read "c"s as "j" sounds. Jacket = ceket, jazz = caz, etc.
#17 - You have a huge appreciation for being near large bodies of water, and you love being near the seaside.
#18 - If it's nice weather, you would never imagine eating inside! Actually, even if it is bad weather, you will still sit outside under an awning or inside a temporary shelter with blankets and a heat lamp provided by the restaurant.
#19 - Images of cigarettes and alcohol use on TV are fuzzed out.
#20 - You have a habit of haggling for everything you buy.*
#21 - Entering a mall means going through a security checkpoint.
#22 - When you talk about breakfast, you get a dreamy far-away look in your eyes.**
#23 - You call cake "pasta."
#24 - There is intermission at the movie cinema...and they always pick the MOST intense part of the movie to cut at. You're all like, "Say whaaaat?" 
#25 - If you don't see mountains on your horizon, you're probably not in Turkey anymore.
#26 - All of your friends' names mean something, like a certain type of flower or wheat, heart, sky, angel, light...
#27 - You add "yaaaaa..." to the end of most of your sentences. And you know you do it just to sound cool. 
#28 - You say "yes" by winking both of your eyes at the same time, and "no" by jutting out your chin and "tsk"ing your tongue.
#29 - You NEVER wear your shoes inside a house...and they even give you plastic covers for your shoes once you enter the gym!
#30 - You have mad jaywalking skills, because it's not jaywalking here...it's called crossing the street. 
#31 - when a bus pulls up, you don't wait your turn in line. Instead, you push and shove your way to the front (but do give way to older people or those with children). Without this maneuver, you would never actually make it onto the bus. Like ever.
#32 - You give up your seats on buses and public transportation to those who are older/elderly, pregnant, or have children with them.
#33 - The public transportation advertisements involve reminding you to watch out for having too much body odor, not using other people's transport cards in order to get the discounts, and not falling over and sleeping on your neighbors. 

*Courtesy of Martin, a fellow exchange student in Istanbul
**Courtesy of Tara, a fellow exchange student in Istanbul

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