#2 - You have to subscribe to NerdsBehavingBadly on Youtube! Many of these vlog videos feature me and Emily doing crazy, random things just for the fun of it :) Hey, what's life without a little bit of crazy?
#3 - I like pizza. My favorite pizzeria in DC = We, the Pizza!
#4 - I listen to music while I work. Yes, it is somewhat distracting. Yes, I do sometimes dance in my office chair. Current favorite: One Republic's Native album, specifically "Feel Again".
#5 - Stone Mountain is not made of granite like all your elementary teachers taught you...it's quartz monzonite...yes, I just blew your world.
#6 - Bookstores = Kaelin is happy. Bookstores + coffee = Kaelin is very happy. Bookstores + coffee + comfy chairs = Kaelin is like a kid on a carousel with an icecream cone AND a pet monkey!
#7 - When I was little, my dream job was to be in Cirque du Soleil. I lie...that's still my dream job :)Can someone buy me a trapeze or something for Christmas?!
#8 - I bet I can make you smile. Challenge accepted? Ok, put on a big sad face and read this.

If I didn't just win the challenge, I advise you to check your pulse.
#9 - On the subject of comics, this one describes my life...
#10 - Did you know that the word pasta in Turkish actually means cake? I'm totally serious!
Hope all this randomness added a smile to your face :D If it did, I've done my job, so let me know by commenting below...or you can throw bananas at me...actually, bananas are preferred, 'cause my kitchen is pretty bare right now...
Thanks for brightening my morning.