Friday, June 7, 2013

The Eve of a New Day...

As I just turned on my computer, the clock showed that it was 12:00AM, 6/8/2013. The eve of a new day. I'm sitting on a window seat in our kitchen and I just finished making a cup of tea. It's Yogi Bedtime tea, and my tag has one of my favorite sayings: "Travel Light. Live Light. Spread the Light. Be the Light." I'm really tired, but it's one of those times when I really don't want to get ready for bed. I just want to keep talking, keep walking, keep living moments...Four of my house-mates and I just got back from a walk around Capitol Hill. Yes, and it's midnight. We left the house at 11PM, after watching Pitch Perfect and getting stir-crazy. And we kept breaking out in song on our DC walk. My life feels so surreal. I know I keep rambling on (pun totally intended), but a stream of consciousness blog post will keep it interesting, right? Well, no matter, that's what you're getting. I guess I should say something really stunning right about now, just to reward you for reading this far. Got nothing, though...remember, I'm really tired! I could go on and tell you the details of my day, but that wouldn't be that interesting to you. I'd much rather just share my thoughts. You  know why I named this blog The Faithful Nomad? Because I realized a few months ago that I am just that: a nomad. I will be living in 4 different homes this year. I lived at WestMar until May, then I moved home for 2 weeks. Then, I moved to DC. In August, I will move back home. Then, in September I'll be moving to Istanbul for 4 months. It's so hard to know that you want to put down roots, but that you will just have to pull those roots up again in a few months. I try not to think about it, but moving out of my apartment at WestMar really showed me how hard it is going to be. I laid in bed my last night there and realized that I was going to go through that same process, that same pain of leaving my roommates, and the heart-wrenching drive away from the place I had called home, another 3 times in the next year. It wasn't a pleasant thought. Then, I had to remind myself that God wanted me to do this. Nomad life will just be a season. At least, that's what I'm thinking, but God may add more adventure into the mix like last time, I really don't know. I really shouldn't plan too far out...God's definitely shown me that it's a waste of time. I just have to go and live each day with no regrets. Live life like He wants me to. It's the best way, that's for sure.
Well, I'll stop now. I'm pretty sure you're at the end of wanting to read my thoughts. Because that's what this is, really. You getting a peek into my life. Crazy how we do that voluntarily. Open up, and wait for others to look inside. Because we all just want to be understood in the end. That's all.

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