Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Story Behind "Odd Job Summer Adventure"

*tap, tap, tap....* That's me typing away on my computer, trying to find a job for the summer. For a college kid with little experience, finding a steady summer job is almost impossible! With the economy the way it is now, a lot of adults are applying and getting the jobs that we would normally have. Now, don't take me wrong - I would rather an adult have the job to help support their family. But what do I do, then? Well, I don't know about other college kids, but this dilemma has inspired me to do more with my summer. To try and get experience in the job world, but in a different way. That's where my "Odd Job Summer Adventure" comes into play. This summer, I will be challenging myself to get work experience through 'odd jobs'. Now what is an odd job?

Kaelin's Dictionary:

Odd Job - Any type of job contrary to a regular job. Not a "9-5" employment opportunity. Something outside of the box.

So, in the 13 weeks of summer that I have, I will be trying to reach a goal of doing 10 different odd jobs. This is where you come in! I need you to:

1) Follow my blog! The more followers I have, the more cool stuff (like photos, crazy stories, etc) that I'll post.

2) Comment on this posting and give me some ideas for odd jobs. I'll be posting information about how I get the job, my job experiences, pay, and other stuff, so this is a good opportunity to find out about a job you might like to try.

Keep checking back! This is going to be one fun adventure :)

1 comment:

  1. Retail associate, pet-sitter, catering server...Any more? What would you like to see me do? :D


Thanks for following my adventure!
